Parenting Tips


My child is driving me crazy

Turn the cheeky child into a busy child! Sometimes the cheekiness can be a call for ‘something to do!’



Here are some ideas!!!

  • Creative City! If you have carpet, use masking tape to create roads and car parks! Use blocks for buildings, add the matchbox cars and they will play for hours!



  • Making puppets.Choose a theme from a TV show or book, create characters using paper and disposable chop sticks (supermarket) or paddle pop sticks (craft shop). Let him/her put on a show for you!

  • Origami. If you search for simple origami instructions on you tube, you will find visual step by step instructions. Try to do the love heart and the simple fish design!


  • Make a fairy garden. When my boys were 4, they were very motivated by magic and make believe! So… I decided to take them to a garden shop and we made a very simple fairy garden with white pebbles, grey pebbles, a bag of various shells and some cheap ornaments. It is actually quite a feature in our back yard…still!


  • Buy a puppy!No just kidding! Be a puppy in a game of Charades! Our version is so different and simple compared to the actual game of Charades. They choose a theme, for example; animal, be an animal, and everyone else has to guess!


  • Water play. When my boys were about 3, they loved to get all their sea creature plastic toy figurines for water play. I would place 2 towels on the tiles near where I was cooking or cleaning or resting and arranged different containers with various sizes, shapes and depth all around on the towels. Add water and you have created shallow ponds! Lots of fun!


  • Pillow Cats.This is great for a rainy day! Children love to choose, so this activity includes a lot of choice at a low cost. Take your child on a trip to the material/craft shop to get the following; small travel pillow, button eyes, button nose, ribbon tail and bow, black pipe cleaners, black texta and black elastics.


By looking at the photo, you will see what you need to do with all the materials!




It took me about 10 minutes to sew everything on! Not long at all! My boys made one for their grandmothers. Cheaper than a present, but something Grandmothers would definitely appreciate!!!!!!! (Contact me if you have any problems).



Keep them busy and have some fun!!!!


Is tiredness controlling you

Exhaustion and Tiredness = Motherhood?

No, it is only a little hard and tiring, when a bub is highly dependent, hang in there………it does get better!!!!!!

Being a mother is one of the most rewarding jobs ever; however it can affect how you feel immensely, due to tiredness!

Many emotions can rise to the surface during your life-chapter of parenting, especially if your life is lacking balance! Tiredness can be a controlling manipulator and can certainly magnify your little worries and feelings!

It has always been a big issue in the world of parenting and can cause a lot of trouble in families. It creates frustration, anxiety, anger and irritability which are simply unnecessary! Even though it is healthy for children to see their parents display various emotions, we certainly don’t want our children to learn the wrong ways to cope in situations when we are tired! When you feel tired, admit you are tired, try and get some rest!

Your relationships and marriage is an easy target for tiredness. You need these relationships in your life as your support network, so don’t let tiredness and hard times cause friction and Marital Dissatisfaction. Partners and friends also need to have that supportive level of understanding of knowing how tired you are and are aware of the expectations of being a mother and the exhaustion tag attached to the role. So if they are not offering to look after the baby/kids so you can have sleep, then ask!!!!!!!

If life seems a little hard to cope with, you, your partner and other things are not to blame independently, only the imbalance in your life, where there is a lack of sleep (as mentioned before) or no timeout for you in each day.  The best thing you can do, is realise that your life is a little different with a new baby/children compared to not having children, but it is only temporary!  Life gets easier!  Re-evaluate the imbalance in your life and discuss it with your partner or family and try to even out the give and take!


Once I added sleep and time-out to my priority list, things changed!!

The way I then visualised my balancing and juggling role looked more like this after sleep!

Plenty of sleep, time out with friends or family or on your own, exercise and balanced diet will always keep a balance

It would be helpful to seek out what your favourite past times are, to add to a ‘time out’ list (ideally things you can do at home?!) that you can refer to every day.

  • Little garden project (creating a herb garden!)
  • Reading a magazine
  • Phoning a friend
  • Reading a book
  • Exercise
  • Listening to music ….etc….
  • Do a short on-line course for self achievement
  • Yoga at home. Purchase a yoga DVD and a mat.


Get a hold of that tiredness, ask for help and try to put balance into your life! Your wellbeing will help create a happy and harmonious family and house hold.